Forums Technical subjects Patchwork 3D – R&D and Roadmap Patchwork 3D 2022 – Live mode improvements

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In Patchwork 3D 2022 version, the live mode has been improved for better usage. In the live mode, you can make a review of your product, exploring configurations, animations, and cameras.

You can also associate a surface or have a key bind to an animation/configuration, allowing the animation/configuration to be played when the surface is selected or the binded key is pressed.

The live mode is now more easily accessible with a button to switch in live mode added to the top toolbar in Matter.

The interface has been updated to be more simple and user friendly, containing only the necessary tools to present the prepared scene in addition to the button on the top toolbar to switch back to Matter.

Tell us what you think about this.

  • This topic was modified 3 years ago by Romaric. Reason: remove Call to Action

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