Forums Technical subjects Patchwork 3D – R&D and Roadmap Patchwork 3D 2024 new features: Quick Save As option

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Hi there,

Introducing the Quick Save As option in the upcoming Patchwork 3D 2024, which is scheduled to be released in April 2024.

The ‘Save As’ option relies on database optimization when enabled, sometimes leading to lengthy save times, especially for large-size databases. This can significantly slow down your workflow. To address this challenge, we developed the Quick Save As feature.

This innovative option bypasses the optimization for much faster saves, regardless of file size.

In comparison to the ‘Save As’ option, the Quick Save As feature is 64 times faster for a 19GB database. In just 3 minutes and 40 seconds, your work is securely saved compared to over 3 hours with the traditional option. Whether you’re working with a heavyweight or lightweight database, the Quick Save As feature delivers significant time-saving benefits.


Here are below, benchmarks of the ‘Save As’ and the Quick Save As options.

Below is an example with a 2,5 GB database, the Quick Save As feature is 3 times faster than the “Save As” option with the cache.
As you may have noticed, the saving time duration depends on the database weight.

This benchmark has been done on a laptop with the following specs:
Processor: Core i7
RAM: 16 Go
Hard drive: SSD

We are quite sure that you’ll enjoy this feature!

Stay tuned for the next reveal of the Patchwork 2024 features.

Let us know if you have feedback and suggestions

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