Forums Technical subjects R&D Technology previews Launching the development of a new real-time 3D rendering engine based on Vulkan Reply To: Launching the development of a new real-time 3D rendering engine based on Vulkan

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Let’s take a look at where we stand.

Here’s an (almost) timelapse of the journey from the beginning of the Vulkan rendering engine to the present day.

We’ve got:

  • Lightmaps illumination
  • Backgrounds and camera bookmarks
  • Colorimetry and modulation of ambient lighting by the HDR environment
  • ‘Object’ and ‘Position’ rendering buffers
  • Monitoring rendering performance
  • Rendering on Android
  • Fill and UV render modes
  • Materials and stickers
  • Overlays
  • Bounding boxes and other gizmos
  • Clipping planes
  • Experimenting with the Vive Focus 3 VR headset
  • Configuration browsing
  • Rendering animations

So, yes, it lacks a few features compared to Patchwork 3D 2023’s OpenGL rendering engine, including: the real-time sun, the post-processes, the 3D bump / relief / parallax bump mapping, the SSAO, the enhanced transparency.

But in terms of performance, WAOUH, it crushes it (and it will remain well above).