Forums Technical subjects Patchwork 3D – R&D and Roadmap R&D : Alias plugin for direct interop with Patchwork 3D

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If you are a Autodesk Alias user, you should be interested in this project.
We are working on a plugin in Alias which establishes a direct connection with Patchwork using a local network connection.
The goal is to send data from Alias to Patchwork 3D without the need to save a .wire file on the disk and import it in Patchwork 3D.

You could choose to export layers and groups from Alias or not.
Surfaces should be stitched or grouped and tessellated on the fly by the plugin, according to chosen options.

You can see below an overview of an Alias scene sent to Patchwork 3D :

In Alias :                                                                                                  In Patchwork 3D :



The next step of the Alias plugins is going to be finalized.

In this version, materials and cameras are now imported.
You can also choose to use Patchwork 3D’s Merge algorithm to unify NURBS patches, in place of Alias’ Stitch algorithm which is not stable on many models.

A lot of issues have also been fixed, to make the quality of imported data in Patchwork 3D better than when using wire importer in Patchwork 3D.

An example using this model in Alias

Old import using wire Importer

New way, using Alias To P3D Bridge

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